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Seven Safety Demands

What happens after you endorse?
We believe a safe world starts with you, and each one of us. Your endorsement:
1. Shows your support for girls safety with clear commitment. The more individuals and organizations sign, the more unified are our voices on the nuanced needs of girls safety.
2. We will be able to hold individuals, groups, and organizations accountable to their actions for girls. Programs, initiatives, and all engagements with girls have to meet these needs to ensure a safe space for this group.
3. The 7 safety demands will serve as the baseline standard to ensure that spaces, engagements, initiatives, and projects have the necessary requirements to ensure the safety of girls.
Safety First for Girls (SAFIGI) welcomes individuals, groups, and organizations to adopt the 7 Safety Demand code into their respective spaces, engagements, initiatives and projects.
Please email us to receive a toolkit on how to host a session to engage your team or community in the 7 Safety Demands. You can also engage our expertise on a consultative role to do a Holistic Safety Analysis + Intervention for your space, community or project.
Email us: admin[at]safetyfirstforgirls[dot]org.
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