Swaraangi is a 22 year old Law graduate. She is currently preparing for the Judicial Services (State level examination) to be appointed the post of Civil Judge Junior Division.
She is an early riser and tries to recapitulate her previous day’s lessons before going to her coaching classes. She is a firm believer in hard work, and her work ethic has helped her perform brilliantly throughout her life so far. Moreover, she believes education is the ultimate weapon to conquer all the social evils which rot the world.
Swaraangi aspires to be the Judge of Supreme court, the apex court of India. She wants to bring substantial changes in the legal system of India so that the rightful ideologies championed by the forefathers of our constitution can be truly attained.
Yoga is one of her favourite activities. As a physical, spiritual and mental practise, it immensely helps in keeping her mind healthy and fresh. Swaraangi’s grandmother taught her the basic asanas of yoga in her childhood. Her favourite pose is cobra pose.
Swaraangi is also passionate about preserving and protecting the environment. She does this by cycling, carpooling, recycling and minimising her electricity and plastic wastage.
Born in a tradition Brahmin family, Swaraangi has had a spiritual upbringing. Various Hindu gods are regularly worshipped in her household and religious festivals are celebrated with much fervour and devotion.
Swaraangi likes to experiment with cooking, which she learned from her grandmother. Her grandmother believes that food is a wholesome affair and one should always cook with a happy disposition. Her chocolate cakes are thoroughly relished by the entire family.
Swaraangi wishes to be an achiever and not just a dreamer. She believes that one should actually work upon improving the status of underprivileged people such as the poor or women, rather than bemoaning the problems. In the end, she believes that we all have a choice to exercise our authority and make change.
This was the story of Swaraangi Shukla by Aarushee Shukla.
Download the full Everyday a Girl book here.