Evelyn Nyandieka is a 28 year old who lives in Kisii town, the Nyanza province in Kenya, at a middle class estate called Menyinkwa. She is a social worker and volunteer in one of the local universities in Kisii where she helps with student affairs. She is always proud of her young daughter, and believes one day she will be a shining star in her generation.
Having grown up in hard circumstances, where most of the requirements were a challenge, she learned the art of perseverance and tolerance for others; she believes that every person in society should have a right to all basic needs and fair treatment regardless of wealth or position in the community.
She believes girls must be loved and cared for as delicately as an egg so they do not lose their bright future. In the world which believes in the superiority of men, she thinks society should defend girls child to the end.
She is an active campaigner against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and gender based violence. She fights against the practice of FGM, irrespective of whether the operators are traditional practitioners or medically trained. On top of that she criticizes the perpetrators of domestic and gender based violence, as it works against laws of natural justice.
Above all she values her family so much and believes that a stable family is a source of peace of mind that allows one to concentrate on other issues. Everyday a girl – forever a girl!
This was the story of Evelyn Nyandieka by Duke Sangara.
Download the full Everyday a Girl book here.